In case you have never opened a hosting account or you have changed companies and the new one uses an account management tool that you have not seen so far, you may become bewildered about how to do a particular operation in your account or on your desktop PC. That’s the reason why, some web hosts have prepared a knowledge base, which specifies the most popular queries and challenges related to the specific platform they use, rather than including only some generic details. This type of knowledge base will allow you to find the necessary information swiftly and easily, so you will not have to dedicate both time and effort to things that might require something as simple as clicking on a button or selecting a tickbox. In this way, not only can you get stuff done, but you can also learn a ton of new and interesting facts, both about the way you can administer your account and about the way the hosting service works as a whole.
Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Hosting
If you have purchased your first shared hosting plan from our company or have transferred your site over to us, you’ll grow accustomed to our platform and our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel in a jiffy thanks to the fact that we have prepared an extensive knowledge base where you can find all the info that you will ever need – both general info with regard to the service as a whole and more concrete info about the separate functions that you can make use of and the difficulties that you could encounter. The articles themselves are located in 2 places. The full article collection can be accessed via the Control Panel’s Help section. You can find articles that are dedicated to the different features in each section of the Control Panel as well. You can learn how to accomplish virtually everything, from creating an .htaccess file to administering a mailing list, and all the articles feature detailed instructions, so you will never become bewildered due to an unclear text. Certainly, if you bump into a more specific problem and you do not find anything about it in our knowledge base, you can contact our support staff representatives 24-7.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Help section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included in our semi-dedicated servers, will permit you to access the in-depth online support documentation that we’ve compiled for you. The articles feature general information about our hosting services, educational manuals about the various features that you can use, plus troubleshooting instructions that can help you repair common problems that you may encounter. The topics that we have covered include practically everything, from easy things such as how to host a new domain in the account, to more intricate ones such as which SSH commands are permitted on the semi-dedicated servers. Relevant articles about the features of a particular Control Panel section will always be available on the right side of the page that you’re on, while the entire article list is accessible through the dedicated Help section.