When some content is uploaded to a shared hosting account or downloaded from it, website traffic is produced and that is a characteristic that each and every hosting package has. It's also among the characteristics you have to take a look at, because the amount of site traffic allowance you'll need depends upon what you need the account for. The web site traffic is mostly produced by downloads and this includes site visits. In layman's terms, every time someone visits your web site, the webpages are downloaded from the server on his/her computer and they're then shown by their web browser. It's of course recommendable to know that uploads count too, and if you back up larger files from your computer to the server, some site traffic will be generated too. Different providers can have different names for this feature, for instance traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, but all of them refer to the same thing - the amount of incoming & outgoing info created for a period of time.
Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting
All our Linux shared hosting are perfect for any kind of small-scale to medium-sized website and even a larger variety of web sites. Considering that you can host plenty of domain names in a single account, we have designed the packages in a way so as to provide you with all the options you'll need. No matter if you own a private portfolio website or an eCommerce site, our monthly site traffic quota that your site may use won't ever be a setback. In this way, you will have the option to extend your online presence and acquire a variety of new website visitors without having to worry about getting to a limit. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel provides you with detailed information for the traffic usage to and from your account, which will allow you to handle all your websites as well as the account much better. You are able to check hourly, daily and monthly stats, the site traffic produced by each domain and by the account as a whole, the most downloaded files, etc.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server packages are very powerful and you can manage multiple sites in just a single account. The monthly site traffic feature matches that power, which means that what you will get is a website hosting account with truly limitless data transfer. Due to this fact, your websites can grow as much as it is possible with this kind of website hosting and you can get as many visitors as you wish. For more effective site and account management, you will be able to check out the amount of traffic each of your sites generates, yet we won't ever place a restriction. To save you time, you will be able to view monthly, daily and hourly numbers as well as the particular web pages that are visited the most, and the most downloaded files. Using our semi-dedicated hosting packages, you will never worry about getting to any traffic cap so that you are able to concentrate on developing your sites and having more visitors.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers
The monthly site traffic quota for our VPS service is proportional to the other server’s system resources. When you buy a more powerful server, it is more likely that you will manage a very popular website or even a number of web sites, consequently you will have a lot more site visitors. That is why, the greater package you get, the greater monthly traffic quota you will get. We will will tell you whenever you reach 90% of that amount, so that you will have sufficient time to take some action and either upgrade the plan or optimize your sites and decrease the website traffic that they generate before the counter resets the subsequent month. If you choose to update, you can do so from your billing Control Panel and with just a few mouse-clicks. You will also be able to view what amount of traffic your server has already made and how much is left until you get to the monthly restriction. This data is available in the VPS management panel where you're also able to reboot your server and check out the usage of all other system resources such as disk space, CPU load and physical memory usage.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
The dedicated servers that we offer include great traffic quotas which are enough for almost any website, even a video streaming portal or a preferred social media. Terabytes of traffic will be available each month and the control panel that comes with each and every dedicated server will give you data what amount of information has been transferred already and how much is left for the present month. In order to avoid service interruptions, we'll notify you as soon as you reach 90% of the quota and you'll be able to either decrease the website traffic made by your web sites by optimizing their content material, or you'll be able to increase the allowance for your account. It's highly unlikely that you'll ever need such an update, but we chose to leave this alternative open. The stats in that panel contain the full website traffic, compared to the statistics inside your hosting Control Panel where you can find just the traffic from websites, but not from server-side software downloads and / or updates.